First of all, I wonder if I really want to develop a product.

  • Developing Kineto was a lot of fun.

  • However, I don’t feel much motivation or excitement to continue developing and doing business-related tasks to scale the service.

  • Fundamentally,

    • I don’t have a strong desire to make the product bigger.
    • Also, I feel like I have limited experience and ability to create things that are focused on the user.
  • I wonder why.

    • It could be because I have never experienced it before.
    • It could be that I am using the lack of ability as an excuse to cover up the fact that I lack motivation.
      • I don’t like this idea (blu3mo).
      • But I think it might be partially true.
      • Well, I also want to try it out to verify and grow from it.
  • I haven’t fully organized this discussion yet, but for now, I want to set goals and challenge myself in the areas that I haven’t explored yet, as mentioned above.

  • Actually, high school students shouldn’t have to worry about these things when I think about it calmly.

    • I think this is partly because I often see people around me scaling their services and raising funds, which has caused me to have these concerns.
    • Of course, it’s good to be inspired by them, but No Need to Rush.
    • As long as I am aware that I am not finding things uninteresting just because I haven’t done them before,
  • Insights obtained from discussions in various places:

  • from Can’t Continue Development Even If I Make It
    • I wonder why.
      • When v1 or PoC is completed, I feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
        • Maybe because I haven’t experienced the excitement that comes after that, I tend to be drawn to other short-term interests.
        • I do have a desire for continuous development and operation.
          • It seems fun, and my interest is quite strong.
          • However, I feel like I lack the ability to persist, like /nishio/めげない力.
        • Should I consciously set “continuous development” as a goal and try something?
          • I do have motivation to make it a goal.
          • Because I have admiration for it.
    • Well, I don’t think it’s good to be driven by a complex when comparing myself to others.- It is important not to be swayed by the surrounding circumstances and to prioritize whether you are enjoying yourself.
  • I want to consider and pursue the fundamental evaluation function of life.
  • Creating something with React.