from Introduction to Project Management

  • Want to improve resource and schedule management for projects involving multiple people or individuals (blu3mo)
    • Seems useful for various things like preparing for final exams, research projects, and life planning
    • Could also be beneficial for running atelier basi
  • Learning the systematically organized wisdom of predecessors feels promising (blu3mo)
  • Expected content includes
    • Framework to organize things known vaguely through experience
    • Identifying cognitive blind spots like “Oh, that’s true”
    • Common examples of failures

@hik0107: This format is great. Depth of context is crucial in books, so even with the same book, the order in which you read them can make a big difference in how you perceive them. I wish someone would create something like this for human history or social sciences… I want to study systematically. image

  • I just remembered this, but is this related to product management? (blu3mo)

  • Whether it’s suitable as a first read is debatable [PMBOK]

  • Looking for good books and materials

    • Search on Twitter for “filter:follows Project Management” & search “Project Management” on Scrapbox to grasp the overall picture

    • Impressions

      • It’s more systematically organized than I thought.
        • It’s so well-organized that standards and qualifications like “this is correct” can be created.
        • PMBOK seems to be quite popular.
        • Guidelines on project management are proliferating with various standards from different countries such as the American PMBOK, the British BS6079, and the German DIN standard. In international projects where engineers from many countries collaborate, there are often differences in the meanings and understandings of related terms and process concepts. ISO21500 compiles internationally common understandings of project management terminology, concepts, and process definitions as basic guidelines.

        • I see, there are communication benefits in being systematically organized (/villagepump/blu3mo).
    • First steps

      • Read the Square Enix Game Development Project Management Course.
        • It was extremely beneficial (/villagepump/blu3mo).
        • Somehow, this alone seems good for now.
          • Prioritizing practicing what you have learned over acquiring knowledge like PMBOK seems more important (/villagepump/blu3mo).
          • Aim to practice using one framework rather than just knowing 10 frameworks without applying them.
      • Get a general understanding of PMBOK.
      • Learn about criticisms and counters to PMBOK.
        • Why Project Management Isn’t Popular | Nikkei xTECH
          • 2003
          • The essence was a bit different from what I expected.
          • The main reason for criticism seems to be misunderstanding. PMBOK is not originally a practical standard for project management. It is known as a “knowledge system,” and it is up to each project to apply this system to actual projects. People who try to use PMBOK as the highest-level procedural document for projects tend to think that PMBOK is not useful.

          • PMBOK does not consider profit center-type projects

          • PMBOK assumes finalizing plans in advance as a major premise

            • This seems to have been resolved in PMBOK7.
    • Thoughts

      • I may have never participated in a project where Project Management was conducted properly (/villagepump/blu3mo).
        • The most well-managed project in my life might be the “Summer Homework Completion Plan” I made with my mother when I was in elementary school.
          • Well, the tasks were clear, and it wasn’t that difficult of a project.
        • I have hardly participated in projects managed by others or myself.
        • Recalling project management experiences from memory
          • I managed projects properly when organizing TEDx.
            • I really put in a lot of effort.
          • I was impressed by the solid project management during my participation in DojoCon.
          • I created a system for atelier basi where project management was not necessary.
            • I think this went quite well.
      • Most of my work tends to be of the “do it yourself or with a few people” type, and lacking project management skills, I generally end up procrastinating.
        • Examples include: Untapped areas, research, exam preparation, assignments,- It feels like making plans haphazardly, watching them fall apart naturally, not bothering to fix them, and just continuing with whatever comes to mind gradually.
    • Well, I feel like I should be a bit more organized at this point (/villagepump/blu3mo).

  • There is a sense of not knowing what one is doing at the project management level.

    • This issue reflects my current challenges well (blu3mo)(blu3mo).
    • While I can act as a player, my abilities as a project manager are lacking.
  • If you have a job that involves a lot of autonomous work, I think having project management skills is very useful.

    • I’m not sure if just studying PMBOK will be enough to acquire it, but it is definitely a skill I want to improve (/villagepump/blu3mo).
  • Let’s summarize the takeaways so far:

    • Square Enix Game Development Project Management Course
      • As a major premise, never give up on research, strategy, design, and planning.
        • Previously: making plans randomly → plans not working out well → learning that “making plans is pointless.”
        • Probably, it wasn’t that “making plans is pointless,” but rather the plans and their execution were poor.
          • Until now, estimates were made based on intuition and plans were decided based on gut feelings (/villagepump/blu3mo).
      • Breaking down tasks, running PDC, listing risks, etc.
        • While I knew the concepts, I understood that they should be thoroughly implemented up to a certain level (/villagepump/blu3mo).
        • Improving plans quickly through high-speed PDC.
        • Listing risks clearly, wrapping them up, and driving the project forward.
          • I found the expression “mastering uncertainty” very convincing (/villagepump/blu3mo).
      • I thought things like Development Strategy Matrix and 2-Point Estimation were genuinely useful specific methods.
        • I want to do them (/villagepump/blu3mo).

When creating a doujinshi with multiple people, I used this approach (/villagepump/基素).

  • [/motoso/Just write on a piece of paper and it will work well. A book that teaches project progress techniques]( write on a piece of paper and it will work well. A book that teaches project progress techniques)
  • Framework

Project Management