• “I prefer living in a place where I can safely access delicious food and water at a reasonable cost, and most importantly, where I can conduct research. This is my personal opinion.” https://t.co/k6K6MB0fQC
  • It might be considered a generational mission to develop the latter where the former is already guaranteed.

    • @(rkmt) [May 12, 2024](https://twitter.com/rkmt/status/1789581742711734309?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
  • There’s a discussion that if you don’t like the research environment in Japan, you should go abroad. From my perspective as someone who is actually abroad, going overseas makes me feel more comfortable, but I can’t contribute to improving Japan’s research environment. On the other hand, if I stayed in Japan, I probably wouldn’t be able to become a professor, and even if I continued my research, I would likely be a part-time lecturer or research assistant.

  • @(KaoriYamada01) [May 12, 2024](https://twitter.com/KaoriYamada01/status/1789634780608241864?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

I’m curious about how realistic it is, whether it can be done with determination, or if there are any institutional barriers. @(blu3mo) May 12, 2024

  • When I was at ATAP, we hired Japanese engineers to do research-like work. Payment was through a normal contract, but ultimately, since the requests needed to be renewed about every year on a personal basis, having a wide network of connections and a track record was necessary for stable operation.

  • @(eiji_hayashi) [May 13, 2024](https://twitter.com/eiji_hayashi/status/1789856461582975047?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

I see, thank you! If it’s on an individual basis, there are possibilities like that in the PI class that I’m curious about (such as joint research between Japanese research labs and American companies). @(blu3mo) May 14, 2024

  • In the case of G labs at universities, they provide funding through the University Relationship section. The same should apply even in current positions. In terms of the system, it should be possible in Japanese research labs. However, there is no reason to actively choose Japanese universities, so I have hardly seen any collaboration between American headquarters and Japanese universities.

  • @(eiji_hayashi) [May 14, 2024](https://twitter.com/eiji_hayashi/status/1790372975201677353?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
    • Hayashi was originally with Google ATAP and is now with Meta Reality Labs.
  • The reason for not choosing is that ultimately, connections at an individual level are the starting point, so if you don’t have acquaintances, you won’t even be noticed. If you haven’t published English papers, you won’t even catch anyone’s eye. It’s uncertain if students can communicate well enough in English. It’s uncertain if the school administration can deal with American companies. The value of student recruitment is low, and so on.

  • @(eiji_hayashi) [May 14, 2024](https://twitter.com/eiji_hayashi/status/1790373780226998460?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
  • However, with reasons like exchange rates coming into play as an offshore option, if the above issues can be resolved (especially those related to English, ML might help), I think it could be possible.

  • @(eiji_hayashi) [May 14, 2024](https://twitter.com/eiji_hayashi/status/1790375824400736419?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)
  • Conversely, if there are connections in English-speaking countries, if ML melts the language barrier, and XR breaks down the geographical barrier, it seems possible.