rickshinmi lecture

  • Hand

  • Position

    • Being in a later position is advantageous
  • Number of players

    • Fewer players is advantageous
  • Hand chart

    • As a premise, you should actively fold bad cards
      • I didn’t have much of this sense (blu3mo)
    • How to use:
      • Use it when you have your own hand
      • It can also be used to read the opponent’s hand
        • I see (blu3mo)(blu3mo) image image image
  • I’m not sure if A+ and the others are really that valuable

    • A also has a role as a kicker, so maybe that’s why it’s highlighted in yellow (blu3mo)
  • Pre-flop

    • If you’re not in the big blind, you should choose either ①raise and participate or ②fold
      • Checking is generally not recommended (unless there has already been a raise) (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • There are various theories, but generally a raise of about 3BB is appropriate
    • It’s difficult to make the right move when facing a big raise from someone after raising pre-flop
  • After the flop, first round

    • You should try to predict the opponent’s hand to some extent
    • When it’s the original raiser (the person who raised pre-flop)
      • It’s important to mix up your patterns so that they can’t read your hand
    • When it’s not the original raiser: it’s better to avoid a donk bet
      • It’s not good to raise before the person who raised pre-flop (the original raiser) acts
      • It’s important to know how the original raiser will act in this round, so it’s not good to raise before obtaining that information
  • Subsequent rounds

    • Consider whether you are winning or not
    • When you are almost certain to be winning
      • => Value bet
    • When there is a possibility of winning (like being able to make a flush)
      • => Bet strongly
      • The goal is to eliminate the opponent’s possibilities
        • This is very important (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • Since there has already been a raise at this point, you can expect to make a decent profit (blu3mo)
      • To eliminate the opponent’s possibilities of a flush, etc., you should bet a large amount (around the size of the pot)
        • What’s important is to bet based on the amount in the pot

          • A “bet n% of the pot” move always has the same meaning in terms of expected value
    • When you are almost certain to be losing
      • => Bluff bet
      • Bluffing should only be done when you have some hope
  • Things to avoid

    • Making small raises
      • It doesn’t serve as value or bluff- Long-term Strategy
    • Always be aware of the chip count in BB units.
    • Start feeling the urgency when the stack is around 20BB, and consider folding or making an all-in move.
      • Avoid gradually losing chips.
      • All-in move.
      • Even if the stack is reduced to around 5BB, it doesn’t have much power.
        • It’s better to use the all-in move while still having significant power.

  • I don’t know any rules.

  • It seems interesting and I’m curious.

  • It relates to Neumann’s game theory (tkgshn).

  • I’m good at it (rickshinmi).

    • Let’s play (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn).
      • Definitely! (I’ve been saying I’ll play for a while without actually doing it) (rickshinmi)(rickshinmi)(rickshinmi)
  • I roughly understand the rules of Texas Hold’em.

  • It seems important to have the mindset of 60fff7cd79e113000047ebfa in poker.

  • However, constantly calculating probabilities may have its limits, so developing an accurate intuition for probability calculation seems important.

  • I want to try it at school after summer vacation.

    • I want to try it (aka).