
“Listening a lot” Sociology - What is “Phenomenological Sociology”?

  • This book explains the basics of sociology and provides an overview of phenomenological sociology.
    • Exactly what I needed (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • A book for people like me who don’t understand phenomenology or sociology well.


  • Began when people started to differentiate between society and state

  • Various histories and genealogies are described

    • It gives the impression that there are diverse positions along the following two axes:
      • Macro <-> Micro
      • Scientific/Empirical <-> Philosophical(?)
        • If you delve deeper into the former, it becomes a discussion of social science, I guess.
  • Phenomenology

    • A methodology that suggests suspending the consideration and judgment of objective existence and instead focusing on the subjectivity (the “phenomena” in consciousness)
    • Transcendental subjectivity
      • I haven’t grasped this concept very well yet
      • Does it refer to the assumption that subjectivity has a universality that does not depend on individuals?
        • Personally, I don’t find this assumption very convincing (blu3mo)
    • Criticism of the natural scientific approach
      • It argues that there is something that is consciously perceived prior to the mechanisms of science, called the “lifeworld”
        • Even if it is considered incorrect from a scientific perspective, it is something that is consciously perceived as reality or meaningful
        • Natural science ignores such things
      • I think this is a difference in whether we view “scientific explanations” as a dominant worldview or as a tool.
        • When viewed as the former, the lifeworld is obscured, so that is certainly not good (blu3mo)
        • Therefore, I think the discussion is about viewing the reality model of natural science as a tool in the first place (blu3mo)
          • Tool = something that is adapted only when consciously intended to be adapted, that’s the image I’m trying to convey
    • Inter-subjectivity
      • After undergoing phenomenological reduction, it re-explains the interactions with others and reinterprets what we have believed as “objectivity” in a phenomenological manner, I guess? (blu3mo)
    • I feel a strong affinity for Husserl’s exploration (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • His rigorous approach and all
      • He came from a background in mathematics and pursued philosophy in his own unique way
      • It seems like he would jot down his thoughts and ideas, which gives it a Scrapbox-like flavor, and I feel a sense of familiarity