from ParallelTalk ParallelTalk requires timeline annotations for interfaces that transcend time. [/tkgshn-private/2023/1/28 Understanding Blue Mo Parallel Talk]( Understanding Blue Mo Parallel Talk)
Kineto believes in Existence Beyond Time for teachers
- Interface for teachers to go back and forth in time
- Students are somewhat bound by the passage of time, which adds a sense of joy in not spoiling things.
ParallelTalk made me think everyone exists beyond time
- Therefore, an interface for Existence Beyond Time is crucial
- Especially if timelines diverge
tkgshn likened Existence Beyond Time to Time Patrol (Doraemon)
- I like this (blu3mo)
- I like this (u7693) For the UI of Existence Beyond Time, visualizing the meaning of timelines is necessary.
Hence, timeline annotations are crucial
It should be easy to grasp what is being discussed here without having to listen to all the audio again
- This could involve a combination of human effort and the use of speech recognition/natural language processing.
By platformizing Annotation Tools around here, it seems like the issue of labor could be resolved (tkgshn)
- Similar to Mturk
- So, this is Decartography but… (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
- Assuming good intentions and actions akin to those of little people, this might not be necessary? (blu3mo)
- Conversely, it could be crucial in an environment with a large number of unspecified participants (blu3mo)
- However, if done well, this could be segmented as a single product (tkgshn)
- It could be developed as a plugin internally
- Therefore, if resources permit, abstracting the functionality might be a good approach
Whisper by OpenAI seems useful? (u7693)
- +1 (blu3mo)
Probably easier to use LLM
- Using LLM to make the branch structure of discussions easier to understand
- Well, there is a rationale for deliberately assigning tasks to humans.