from ParallelTalk ParallelTalk requires timeline annotations for interfaces that transcend time. [/tkgshn-private/2023/1/28 Understanding Blue Mo Parallel Talk]( Understanding Blue Mo Parallel Talk)

  • Kineto believes in Existence Beyond Time for teachers

  • ParallelTalk made me think everyone exists beyond time

  • tkgshn likened Existence Beyond Time to Time Patrol (Doraemon)

    • I like this (blu3mo)
    • I like this (u7693) For the UI of Existence Beyond Time, visualizing the meaning of timelines is necessary.
  • Hence, timeline annotations are crucial

  • It should be easy to grasp what is being discussed here without having to listen to all the audio again

    • This could involve a combination of human effort and the use of speech recognition/natural language processing.
  • By platformizing Annotation Tools around here, it seems like the issue of labor could be resolved (tkgshn)

    • Similar to Mturk
    • So, this is Decartography but… (tkgshn)(tkgshn)(tkgshn)
    • Assuming good intentions and actions akin to those of little people, this might not be necessary? (blu3mo)
      • Conversely, it could be crucial in an environment with a large number of unspecified participants (blu3mo)
      • However, if done well, this could be segmented as a single product (tkgshn)
        • It could be developed as a plugin internally
        • Therefore, if resources permit, abstracting the functionality might be a good approach
  • Whisper by OpenAI seems useful? (u7693)

  • Probably easier to use LLM