Observing multiple three-dimensional spaces simultaneously in previous studies

  • e.g. multiple realities at the same time / points on multiple time axes simultaneously / multiple perspectives simultaneously / four-dimensional space / etc.

  • For now, gather known information available on this Scrapbox (blu3mo).

Simultaneously experiencing multiple realities

Displaying multiple viewpoints in a single scene

Showing multiple points in time in one scene

Four-dimensional space



Other interesting ones slightly related

Random thoughts while surveying

  • Displaying Augmented Awareness only when there is optical flow or environmental changes
    • Maybe also consider displaying only outlines or contours
    • OVRlap is monochrome
  • The way selections are made when there are many displayed items is crucial
    • For example, the opacity could increase with the size of the hitbox
    • Research in this area on selection techniques could be useful.