- Exam preparation for PHYS1602 Physics, II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism
Final exam preparation
- Start with Chapters 5-10 (because there is a midterm 2)
- Finding a Solution for Physics 1602 Special Relativity
pset 3
- Be careful because you can’t do the proof without this.
It seems important to have the idea that you can do a ^1/2 binomial approximation when looking at roots.
- It’s done everywhere.
- When differentiating , replace it with and calculate.
- It becomes .
- It’s quite important not to lose the direction information of vectors in the field. (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
- Why prac exam 2e?
Things to memorize
- Beta transformation.
- Derivation of acc?
- In addition,
Thus, the acceleration in the x direction, as
seen in the primed frame, is reduced compared to that in the rest frame by three powers of γ, two from time
dilation and one from Lorentz contraction. However, the perpendicular components of the acceleration are only
reduced by two powers of γ– the ones due to the time dilation.
- Genius (blu3mo)
- Genius (blu3mo)
Not values but formulas
Integrate energy density over the entire space
E = λ/2πϵ_0r
By default, timelike
Check with OH
- Understanding causality
- p406 x direction