When you zoom in on a moment in the micro timescale, there are plenty of things to nitpick, but when you look at it in the macro timescale, it somehow appears to be going well, creating a sense of wonder (blu3mo).

  • I’ve been thinking about the difficulty of introducing him to people who are not familiar with the surrounding context.
  • I also feel like it must be difficult for him to evaluate himself.
    • Women, sex, sports, art! (tkgshn)

  • The following content seems to mix up two different discussions:
    • About ways of thinking

      • Something like “The model of accumulating knowledge is not always correct” [link] kind of discussion
        • Something like “not having commodity knowledge”? (tkgshn)
        • Because A has knowledge that others don’t have~

    • About decision-making

      • A discussion like [Decision-Making Ignoring Frameworks]
    • Well, it’s hard to separate them, so let’s leave it as it is for now.

      1. Definitely. (tkgshn)

  • tkgshn, it is a fact that basics like those studied in schools, such as math and humanities, are very unstable.
  • Yet, despite that instability, they are producing results in related fields and giving the impression that they will continue to do so in the future. Why is that?
  • Hypothesis: They are running the following Positive Feedback Loop:
    • ① Gather information from external sources -> ② Find a position -> ③ Take a position -> ① Gather more information than before
    • The impression is that this cycle is continuously running due to high abilities in ①②③.
    • ①: Gathering information
      • Ability to connect with people, listen to their conversations, borrow their knowledge, or conduct surveys on their own
      • I particularly felt this ability while watching a Zoom discussion on Decartography where many acquaintances were deeply involved.
    • ②: Finding a position
      • I think this is where the individual claims to have “sense”
      • The ability to look at gathered information and find interesting combinations
      • Why does this part seem to be done well even though the basics are unstable?
        • Most people have the basics, so by involving those people, they seem to be making course corrections when things go in strange directions.
          • Humans like to point out others’ mistakes.
        • I think I’m being used quite a bit here, lol.
        • “Basics” are commodities, so I think you can easily acquire them when needed (nishio)
          • Oh, I see.
          • “Basic knowledge” is a replicable good, so you can acquire it when needed.
          • The experiential foundation of “social implementation” is non-replicable and only possessed by those who have gone through it themselves.
          • Because of having this experiential foundation, those who have the same basics around them think that giving knowledge is more effective and keep providing knowledge.
            • Conversely, they do not provide it to individuals who just attend events as mere participants and say “that was fun.”
          • It’s about positive externalities, right?
          • Written:
    • ③: Taking a stance
      • For example, showing off on Twitter
      • By doing this well, higher quality information tends to gather in ①.
  • Instead of logically stacking blocks one by one on a foundation, it gives the impression of a probabilistic approach that quickly enhances accuracy by running a Feedback Loop based on information, somewhat like machine learning.
    • So, it feels like machine learning, specifically [RLHF].
    • [Nishio]: The model of accumulating knowledge is not always correct.
      • Yeah, that’s right (blu3mo).

Is it possible to extract only the good parts and turn them into insights that everyone can use? (tkgshn)

  • Is it something like Life Strategy?
  • It might be more useful to utilize LLM in interacting with society, I thought (blu3mo).
    • Let’s make LLM say random things for now? w(tkgshn).
    • Giving LLM a position, something like that (blu3mo).
      • Is that a way to make LLM smarter? or a way for humans to become smarter? (tkgshn)
        • Closer to the former (blu3mo).
        • Like a way to make LLM active in human society (blu3mo).
        • Making ChatGPT say wrong things continuously, creating a situation where human experts want to give feedback? (tkgshn)
          • But isn’t that what everyone is criticizing on Twitter right now? (tkgshn)
          • Is it important to be able to point out mistakes? (tkgshn)
            • [Cunningham’s Law]
            • “The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question, it’s to post the wrong answer.”

          • Intentionally doing this is smart but also evil, I think (blu3mo).
        • Well, that’s true, but it seems like something at a higher level can be done (blu3mo).
        • ①Gather information from external sources -> ②Find a position -> ③Take a stance -> Loop to gather more information than ①, that’s the idea (blu3mo).
          • Connecting with people, borrowing people’s thoughts and knowledge, seems like something that can be done
            • tkgshn seems to create situations where both parties benefit from interesting conversations
              • [Being treated to a pro] seems close too w(tkgshn)
              • [Taichi Nakajima]
          • Since the structure is the same, I want it to be verbalized as “higher level” (tkgshn).
            • [Cunningham’s Law] takes advantage of spreading incorrect information to create disadvantages and negative feelings for the other person
              • That seems to lack [positive externality] (blu3mo).
            • Just don’t spread incorrect information? (tkgshn)
              • That’s too simplistic (blu3mo).- “Why is blu3mo with (tkgshn) right now?”
    • It’s entertaining.
    • By creating a fun-to-talk-to bot, can we develop this Takagi learning model’s LLM?

Does blu3mo ever observe my actions and take them into account? What is (tkgshn)?

  • The evaluation mechanism is buggy.

Concrete example:

  • “Left bluemo’s bag on (tkgshn)‘s bed and tried to sneak it into the Hostel to pick up some stuff.”

  • Actions:

    • Initially tried to pass a card to bluemo in front of the staff
    • → Got stopped
    • → Negotiated
      • Just for a moment, isn’t it good?
    • → Negotiation failed
    • → Waited normally in front
      • Since we hadn’t paid any costs, we were just exploring the “logically possible range” (tkgshn)
  • Thoughts:

  • [/tkgshn-private/It’s good to ask the same thing to people multiple times](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn-private/It’s good to ask the same thing to people multiple times)

  • Attack Power, [/tkgshn-private/Contacting unfamiliar big shots](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn-private/Contacting unfamiliar big shots)

    • I feel like I’ve been able to do this somewhat recently (blu3mo)
    • However, I think the vast majority of people would have an emotional brake on this rational behavior
    • Why do you think there’s an emotional brake? (tkgshn)
  • Skill of coming up with rational choices

    • Try out all the choices in the [/tkgshn-private/Logical Space](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn-private/Logical Space) (tkgshn)
      • It’s not exhaustive, but it seems to indicate a high level of exploratory ability (blu3mo)
  • Skill of ignoring irrational emotional stoppers

  • Decision-Making Ignoring Frameworks

Concrete example 2

  • After enjoying Devcon in Bogota, I came to New York even though I don’t have a home. (Since I have a B-1 visa, I didn’t need to book a return flight) (tkgshn)

      - The reason being, "America seems fun"? (tkgshn)
          - "Because everyone was saying, 'It's better to go to America.'"
      - By the way, [/tkgshn-private/European Triumph Spring 2023](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn-private/European Triumph Spring 2023) for the same reason. lol (tkgshn)
          - A friend mentioned that Public Goods aren't very well-received, so isn't Berlin a good option?
          - [[2023/3/17]]: Arrived (going)
      - Reasoning:
          - Simply put, no liabilities. Light on the feet
          - Reduce [[Sunk Costs]] (tkgshn)
      - [/tkgshn-private/Moore Hostel](https://scrapbox.io/tkgshn-private/Moore Hostel)
  • Instead of being able to tolerate uncertainty, perhaps it’s stronger to believe in certainty

    • You Can Do It AbilityWhen I talked with tkgshn in April, it was different from when the three of us talked the day before yesterday, and I felt that my observations were progressing. So, upon reflection, I feel like my ability to articulate thoughts is improving (nishio).
  • My observations progressed.

  • Did the observation of “tkgshn from nishio’s perspective” progress? (tkgshn)

    • yes (nishio)
      • The difference between conversations with two people and three people
      • I have started to notice some common aspects with a friend, C.
      • Friend C: Noticing my preference for reading books written by Drucker himself rather than the popular novel version during the Drucker boom, recommended that I enter the Tokyo Tech MOT as a working professional graduate student.
      • tkgshn: Recommended coming to Plurality Tokyo after seeing Scrapbox.
      • Afterwards: As our common knowledge base expanded, it became easier for me to interpret and articulate in different ways, leading to positive externalities.
    • Cases where knowledge accumulation is not necessary
      • Is this also a story from “tkgshn from nishio’s perspective”? (blu3mo)
      • When I finished writing and came to paste it, it was already pasted. lol (nishio)