• Domain Specific Architecture

  • Considering a friendly Deep Learning for Logic Circuits

    • What does it mean to be logic circuit friendly?
      • Instead of multiplication, use addition, etc.
      • Would it be even better with logical operations?
  • BRein

    • Point 1: Quantize the weights of the Perceptron to only +1 or -1 using binarization
      • Furthermore, convert them to 1 or 0 instead of +1 or -1
      • This allows weight calculations using XNOR logic operations
        • This enables NN to be implemented with smaller memory and computational circuits
    • Point 2: Perform computations in memory
      • The structure of the Neural Network is directly mapped to the circuit structure of memory
      • When information of a single-bit neuron arrives, it is parallelly forwarded to the next layer (with different weights) and then collected in a single place
        • Can this be pipelined and performed collectively?

    • Differs from BRein in the quantization part, using quantization instead of binarization
      • The values of are often close to 0
      • Therefore, it quantizes the parts closer to 0 more finely
    • By performing calculations in logarithmic domain, multiplication can be converted to addition
      • Addition in the “logarithmic domain” is equivalent to multiplication
      • Addition requires smaller circuits compared to multiplication, making it logic circuit friendly
    • When investigating the relationship between the level of quantization (log3, log4, log5, etc.) and recognition accuracy,
      • There is a sharp drop in recognition accuracy for MNIST dataset at some point
  • Quantization naturally introduces errors

    • By incorporating these quantization errors into the evaluation function, both recognition and quantization errors can be minimized during training
    • Weights naturally gather around points with lower quantization errors
  • Dithering of weights

    • Applying the concept of Dithering in images to the quantization of neural networks
    • This can improve recognition accuracy
    • This allows for increasing recognition accuracy at low cost, as the circuit size remains almost the same
  • Dynamic Invalid Neuron Prediction (DNP)

    • ReLU and similar functions set negative values to 0, making 0 remain as it is (= dead neuron)
    • If we can predict these invalid neurons, we can skip the calculations for those parts
      • We don’t want to perform the calculation of
    • How to do it
      • Predict the dying neurons with a lighter prediction mechanism
      • Then create a neural network without those neurons and efficiently perform learning
    • Results
      • Tested with VGG
      • In some cases, there is a decrease of about 5% in accuracy, but computational resources are halved
      • Trade-off between speed and accuracy, tuning is required (Information Science Master)