- Oh no!
- It went down, -5.
- That’s disappointing.
- It feels like my Chemistry went up to 7, but I failed all my humanities subjects.
- Well, except for Japanese 4, the rest were within my expectations. It seemed like the predicted grades were higher.
- I wonder what happened with Japanese 4.
- Well, it was a high-risk exam where only one paper determines the evaluation, so maybe it went lower than expected.
- That’s a shame.
- But if I had gotten 60% on the IO, then I would have only gotten 20% on Paper 1.
- Is that even possible..?
- That’s a bit concerning. Let’s wait for the breakdown before thinking about it.
- Let’s see what the teachers say and then consider sending for moderation.
- My EE went from a C to a D, but since only the subject scores are used for applications to American universities, I don’t need to worry about it.
They said the results will come at 1/2 midday.
- https://candidates.ibo.org/index.cfm?event=ResultsHandler.showResultsList
- It seems that 22:00 JST is the latest time.
It seems like it’s actually different.
Your results will be published on 03-January-2022 01:00:00 GMT. Please try again then.
- This means it’s 10:00 on the 3rd in Japan time.
- If the results come out, maybe I’ll send them to the University of Tokyo.
- Oh, but unlike in the US, they probably won’t accept score submissions later (blu3mo).
How to approach this emotionally
- In the end, the IB exams are not highly valued in the US, so let’s not worry too much about it.
- It’s nice to have high scores, but it’s not really a big problem if they’re not that high.
There are various places that I don’t understand at all.
How to send IB Final Results
- Send Official transcript by IBO (17$/uni)
- When the results come, is it enough to just send screenshots or something? Like proving that I passed.
- It’s too expensive if it’s 17$ per 15 schools.
- Summarize in Sending Test Scores for Overseas University Applications.
- Deadline is 12/18.
- Set score on CommonApp/CoalitionApp/MIT
- For applications with deadlines after the deadline, can I register the scores on CommonApp?
- The results come before the application deadline on 1/5, so I can include them.
- CommonApp
- Most universities should be able to enter scores in the Exam Scores section.
- For universities with a deadline before 1/2:
- Princeton application, Applying to Harvard, Yale出願, Columbia Application, Swarthmore Application
- What should I do for those?
- UC
- It seems that I can add them later, so I’ll do that.
- Send Official transcript by IBO (17$/uni)
How to send IB Predicted Score
Add PDF at counselor recommendation
- I’ll ask for this to be done.
- Basically, if I have this, there shouldn’t be any problems.
What about UC?
- There was a section for Predicted Score, so that’s good.
IBO will send up to 6 schools for free.
- However, in the case of the US, only one school (???)
You can select up to six higher education institutions (HEI) worldwide. Out of these six HEI, no more than three can be selected from Canada and the US, and only one of these three may be from the US. An admissions center, e.g., Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), counts as one request.
For others, it’s 17$ per university.
Just need to enter it in the school’s form by 12/20.
IB Predicted Score
- Where is this sent..?
- According to the counselor, if I want it, they will include it in the recommendation.
- While asking for it, I’ll also write it in the Additional Information section because I’m worried.