Phenomenology is an approach that examines the structure of the world’s existence by focusing on the role of subjectivity in constructing the world. It attempts to understand objectivity as a correlation between the collective functioning of multiple subjectivities. This collective functioning is referred to as intersubjectivity.
- I see! (blu3mo)
- The concept of “collective functioning of subjectivity” might also be related to the idea of [general will]. (tkgshn)
In order to understand how a collective of subjectivities is formed, it is necessary to clarify the basis for it. Husserl sought this basis in the function of the transcendental subjectivity, which involves the self-replication of the ego by “projecting itself” onto other similar bodily existences.
- I see? (blu3mo)
- This seems to be based on the concept of [general will] rather than the term “intersubjectivity.” It might be worth investigating this aspect for better clarity. (tkgshn)
- Each individual has a vague sense of the public, which can vary in different communities. This can also be referred to as [common sense]. It includes ethics and various other aspects. (tkgshn)
tkgshn-private/Intersubjective (tkgshn)