
  • Bluemo @blu3mo / Shutaro Aoyama
  • Studying Computer Science and Philosophy at Columbia University as a third-year undergraduate.

I will be in your care for the next 3 months.

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  • Managed to rent a car yesterday.

  • Despite being bad at driving, I confidently rented it because the rental agreement stated, “Not for beginners.”

  • Topics to be discussed:

    • Introduction to specific development and research projects
    • Connecting them through abstract storytelling
  • I would be happy if you find it interesting.


  • Kineto - Online lecture environment that combines real-time and on-demand benefits
    • 2020 IPA Exploratory Software Project (PM: Inami)
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      • Comments written are recorded in connection with the timing of the video they were written on.
        • Similar to Nico Nico Douga
      • Benefits of “real-time”: student interaction
      • Benefits of “on-demand”: optimization of speed through time control
    • Key Point: “Elastic synchronization” that distorts time imperceptibly
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  • Research on asynchronous VR teleoperation
    • Unlike typical VR teleoperation, “the robot’s movements are not synchronized with the user’s body movements.”
    • Users provide high-level goals like “move this object here” in the VR space. The robot then executes the goal in the most optimal way for the robot.
      • Essentially, the autonomy of the robot is increased.
    • Asynchronous in time as well
      • When a high-level instruction is given, it is added to a queue and executed sequentially.
    • Aoyama, S., Liu, J.-S., Wang, P., Jain, S., Wang, X., Xu, J., Song, S., Tversky, B., & Feiner, S. (2024). Asynchronously Assigning, Monitoring, and Managing Assembly Goals in Virtual Reality for High-Level Robot Teleoperation. 2024 IEEE VR

VR Theory of Relativity


Created a Theory of Relativity in VR at an internal hackathon. When moving at speeds close to the speed of light, phenomena like the world appearing to shrink or the wavelength of colors changing occur. I wrote shaders to recreate these in VR. I was able to create quite an interesting experience, and it seems to have educational applications as well. Fun fact: I made this to escape reality right before the final exam for the relativity course.

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  • A genius idea of preparing for next week’s physics exam by creating a multiplayer VR Theory of Relativity simulator at this weekend’s hackathon.

    • Please don’t ask about the exam results.
  • GitHub:

Task Streaming to Future Self


“Task Streaming to Future Self” seems quite interesting and useful.

  • Constantly display what you were doing 10 minutes ago in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Helps in realizing, “I was focused earlier,” or “I was slacking off surfing the net.”
  • Creating a sense of tension as if being watched by someone else, the “future self.”
  • “Monitoring past self as an outsider”
  • “Being monitored by future self as an outsider”
  • Q: How far apart in time does one become an outsider?

What I’ve done in the above projects: Eliminating constraints of objective time in a Computer-mediated Environment

  • We share the assumption in the physical world that “everyone is sharing the same objective time.”
    • 10:23 AM for me is 10:23 AM for you- In Computer-mediated Communication and Computer-mediated Reality, it is possible to break the constraint of the premise that “everyone shares the same objective time.”
  • By removing this assumption, various mechanisms of different times can be considered:
    • Sharing time with others in the past —> Kineto (online classes)
    • Sharing time with oneself in the past —> Task delivery to future self
    • Relative time and space structure —> Relativity theory VR
    • Sharing reality asynchronously between humans and robots —> Teleoperation


In Computer-mediated Communication and Computer-mediated Reality, it is possible to break the constraint of the premise that “everyone shares the same objective time.” This concept could be extended beyond “time.”

  • In Computer-mediated Communication and Computer-mediated Reality, it is possible to break the constraint of the premise that “everyone shares the same objective reality.”
    • “My reality is different from your reality.”

Asymmetric Chat


  • The website displays screens of two users who chat with each other, but the words sent by one user are converted to a different topic by GPT-4 before reaching the other user.
  • For example, talking about coffee might be perceived by the other person as a discussion about architecture.

Asymmetric Editor


Created a mechanism to edit documents across language barriers. Imagine if Google Docs had this feature, allowing people speaking different languages to collaboratively write documents, it would be very convenient! For instance, during a meeting conducted in Japanese and English on Zoom, participants could edit the minutes in their native languages simultaneously.

Intersubjective Model of AI-mediated communication

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AI-augmented Democracy

  • Team of Takahiro Anno in the Tokyo Governor Election
  • This is not just a Q&A system. It involves AI-mediated mutual communication between politicians and citizens.
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      • Politicians can not only broadcast but also listen broadly.
  • Communication is mediated by AI rather than being direct.

How should the design of “reality” shared through computers be?

  • Completely “subjective”: Individual gameplay, brain in a vat

    • Sharing different realities among everyone
    • The Matrix’s red pill (individually optimized simulation world)
  • Completely “objective”: Traditional reality, Cluster, The Matrix’s blue pill

    • Sharing the same reality among everyone
    • The Matrix’s blue pill (objective reality)
  • A combination of the two can be considered:

    • Referred to as “Asymmetric Reality”
    • “Sharing partially objective reality but individually optimizing subjectively as needed”
    • Individual optimization of “time” (Kineto, etc.)
    • Individual optimization of “meaning” (asymmetric chat, Intersubjective Model of AIMC)
    • Individual optimization of “language” (asymmetric Editor)
  • In Asymmetric Reality, it is of interest to study how subjectivity can be expanded.

    • Self-synth