• Premise

    • Link 1
      • Realizing that worrying about the future is not a productive activity, I want to continue doing it as entertainment under a moratorium.
      • If you want to be productive, instead of worrying, you should either gather information or make decisions.
    • Link 2
  • If following this approach, it’s not necessary to think about “what to do with that free time” for now.

  • In paid work, variables like the country of residence (=visa status), income level, professional title/affiliation/social capital, and the degree of freedom or free time are dependent variables.

  • Rather than making decisions arbitrarily, it seems more sensible to clarify one’s desires and actively engage with others to find serendipitous opportunities.

  • Another line of thought is that even if working alone, things may not scale Creating a Future World Combatively through Simultaneously Running Research, Business, and Other Projects in Life

  • Abilities like project execution and decision-making, knowledge and expertise, goals to be achieved, physical stamina, community, altruism are factors to consider.

  • Feeling like there’s a lot of information and thoughts brewing, it might be beneficial to try articulating them clearly once.


  • Things to do
    • A feedback loop of 1) abstract discussions about the future and 2) exploration through concrete implementation.
      • This has been quite consistent over time.
  • Currently, I am running this feedback loop alone.
    • While collaborating or discussing with others borrows some of their brainpower, fundamentally, it’s just me.
  • I want to expand this feedback loop beyond my individual capabilities.
    • While expanding, I still want to remain at the core of the feedback loop.
    • Abstract discussions
      • I want to reach ideas beyond my own knowledge and processing capacity.
      • Breadth/interdisciplinarity and depth/expertise.
    • Exploration through concrete implementation
      • Here, I want to deploy to the real world and provide value.

          - [/masui/Interfaces Systems Published as Papers Will Never Become Popular](https://scrapbox.io/masui/論文として発表されたインタフェースシステムが流行ることはない) background
  • Ideal scenario
    • Shouting “Adaptable Body,” raising 1.2 billion, and engaging 200 researchers/students in broad discussions, implementation, and exploration.