
  • IB 20%
    • Physics IA
    • Math IA
    • Chemistry IA
    • TOK Presentation
  • Exam Preparation 30%
    • SAT
      • Read SAT Black Book
    • TOEFL 3800
      • Aim for the first round
    • Set a goal of 1500+
    • Do some math
  • Kineto 20%
    • Schedule planning
    • Implementation
  • Time-related tasks 30%
    • Brainstorming
    • Implement Envelope LINE Bot
  • Second area
    • Competitive programming marathon 10%
    • Study
    • GKADC


  • Morning: TOK Presentation
  • Theory of the versatile body


  • SAT


  • Mock exam 2
  • Mock exam 9


  • Mock exam 10


  • SAT Khan Academy: 2 questions / Math IA✅
  • SAT Khan Academy: 2 questions / Kineto ✅
  • SAT Khan Academy: 2 questions / GKADC
  • SAT Khan Academy: 2 questions / Math IA
  • SAT Khan Academy: 2 questions / TOK Presentation
  • SAT Khan Academy: 2 questions / Math IA


  • SAT Math ✅

  • SAT Math: Review and summarize knowledge ✅

  • Kineto: Math IA✅

  • Install Altdeus BC✅

  • GKADC: Math IA

  • SAT Khan Academy: Math IA

  • Marathon (Competitive Programming): Math IA

  • TOK Presentation: Altdeus BC

  • Miscellaneous tasks

    • Check PR✅


  • SAT Practice Test #8
  • SAT Practice Test #8
  • Math IA: Marathon (Competitive Programming)
  • SAT Black Book ✅
  • TOK Presentation: Kineto