• I understand that STEM and Engineering are strong, but I haven’t grasped anything beyond that yet.

  • https://www.quora.com/Hows-computer-science-in-the-letters-sciences-at-the-UC-Berkeley

    • The difference between CS in the College of Letters & Science (L&S) and the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley.
      • They are mostly the same, but CS in L&S seems to have a stronger focus on liberal arts.
  • What should I major in?

    • I have decided on L&S.
      • Some options I’m interested in:
        • CS
          • I’m concerned about the high competition for admission.
          • Oh, and it seems there’s something like a declaration process.
          • Enter the College of Letters & Science (L&S) and, after successful completion of the courses required to declare with the minimum grade point average (GPA), petition to be admitted to the L&S Computer Science major.

        • Media Studies
          • It seems to involve studying media from a more humanities-oriented approach.
          • It might be slightly different.
        • Cog Sci