
  • In this Scrapbox, various things are represented as “pages”. These include:

    • Thoughts
    • Tasks
    • Past events (such as meeting minutes or completed tasks)
    • Dates (on the Scrapbox timeline)
    • Objects (e.g. Red hard drive)
    • People (not just members of the Scrapbox project, but also pages created with Twitter account names)
  • It’s interesting how different things (concepts, substances, personalities, points on a timeline, etc.) are all categorized as the same type.

  • It makes me wonder if words themselves are like that.

    • It’s like the answers to the 5W1H questions become pages.
    • (tkgshn) It’s really fascinating. The act of describing concepts couldn’t be completed in a single page until now.
      • → Because meaning cannot exist independently.