
  • Sharing a sense of time with others is one way to enhance the feeling of immersion in a timeline.

  • Now there are contents that allow creators’ timeline to match the viewers’ timeline axokxi
    • Such as Clubhouse, Honk
    • Maybe I didn’t feel the need to chase after watching something from 劇団ノーミーツ when I missed the starting time because I was seeking a sense of synchronization.

A discussion I had around July 2020 #Time

  • In relation to#kineto, what does it mean to truly manipulate time?

    • In the context of Communication, what is the sense of “Sense of Time Sharing”?

    • To summarize:

      • The feeling of “sharing time” is a one-sided sensation for the recipient of information.
        • It is felt when experiencing something (such as video or reality) that is the same as the information sender.
      • Face-to-face conversations, Zoom, and comments on Nico Nico Douga, fundamentally have no major differences when viewed in this way.
        • [* The difference lies in the delay from when the information is sent to when it is received, whether it is 1ms, 0.5 seconds, or 1 year.]
    • When receiving information from X while co-experiencing with X, it feels like “sharing time.”

      • X refers to:

        • The person you are conversing with (usually a human).
      • The exchanged information includes:

        • Voice messages
        • Reactions through facial expressions
        • And various other forms
      • The “something” that is co-experienced with X refers to something that changes over time (affected by the value of t).

        • In the case of face-to-face conversations in reality:
          • It is the “reality experienced through the five senses.”
            • A clock is a tool used to measure it with a certain scale.
        • In the case of comments on Nico Nico Douga or kineto:
          • It is the “video” that is co-experienced.
            • Here, the seek bar is a tool used to measure it with a certain scale.
        • What about Zoom?
          • It is the “sound of your own voice” that is co-experienced.
            • You cannot directly perceive that you are co-experiencing your own voice.
            • However, you can indirectly feel it because the other person is responding based on what you said.
      • Communication from X is generally one-way.

        • The information is sent from X before it is received, in terms of physical time.
          • “Before” can be 1ms ago, 1 year ago, or anything in between.
            • 1ms = the delay for the sound waves in a conversation to reach the other person.
            • 300ms = the delay in a conversation on Zoom.
            • 1 year = the delay when viewing old comments on Nico Nico Douga.
      • In other words, the feeling of “sharing time” is a one-way emotion (true “sharing” is not actually happening).

        • From your perspective, you are sharing time with X.
        • But from X’s perspective, there is a possibility that they are not “sharing time” with you.
      • Why is it possible to have two-way conversations in face-to-face interactions or on Zoom?

        • Because the time between sending information and receiving a response from the other person is within an acceptable range.
        • If the delay is within a certain threshold, both parties can feel that they are “sharing time” and engage in two-way conversations.
      • The use of the word “sharing” is because in traditional communication, the difference is only at the level of being able to have two-way conversations.

        • It is not truly “sharing.”
        • I am looking for a better vocabulary, but it hasn’t come to me yet.
    • The factors that influence the degree of the sensation of “sharing time” are:

      • There are several barriers
        • Interactive touch, interactive video, conversation, etc. each have their own barriers drinami
  • The following are miscellaneous thoughts in the thought process

    • Q: Is it unnecessary to consider macro-level time (e.g., several years)?

      • Physically, the macro-level differences in communication only occur at the cosmic level.
      • Well, but ニコニコ動画_2 and others communicate on a scale of several years.
    • A: In other words, whether it is macro or micro is irrelevant; only the before and after of physical time matters.

    • We can ignore the discussion of the speed of time in relativity theory.- In communication, the physical body of “others” is also flowing time for oneself.

  • However, their way of thinking can be helpful, like the communication in [Interstellar].

    • That is actually a form of communication without any distortion, so wouldn’t it be helpful to reference it?