• Preparation Plan

    • Divide into Phases
      • Phase 1 - Outline is not finished yet 😖
      • Phase 2 - Outline is mostly done, but still need to do Historian’s perspective and Further Research 😐
      • Phase 3 - Perfect Outline is done 😁
      • Phase 4 - Write the essay multiple times and improve based on the experience 🤩
        • Understand the length, reinforce the missing parts, and receive feedback from the teacher by showing the essay
  • Selection of Topics


    1. 20C Wars Q2
  • Solidify these two and be able to respond to them without any problems.
    • Improve Women.
    • Review Effects as well.
  • Practice writing a few times.
  • Effects are important for being able to respond accurately to various questions, so it seems good to practice by typing.
  • Update: No time, so I’ll stop.
  • Discard.
  • I don’t know.

  • Write down some useful tips and websites. image

  • Remember the discussion on Analytical Writing.

  • Link between paragraphs.

    • It’s okay to mention the same thing as long as the perspective is different.
  • Move from /ibhistory to here.

  • Textbooks should have only the necessary information.

    • If aiming higher, gather more information than that.
  • Later, I want to show it to others and merge the parts I want to merge.

  • Criteria

    • Demands of Question
      • Clear focus on the question is necessary (it’s not about putting in information randomly).
      • High level of understanding of the question demand is necessary.
        • It’s good to circle the keywords in the question.
        • Don’t forget important elements.
    • Structure
      • Balanced, pay attention to this.
        • Also prepare the distribution of counter opinions properly.
      • Organized.
      • Don’t forget PEEL, often overlooked.
    • Knowledge/context
      • Knowledge accuracy: It’s better to be vague than to write something wrong.
      • Context
        • Make the examiner think that you understand that the knowledge is connected.
        • This is easy to do in the introduction, for example.
      • Key Concepts
        • It’s good to use key concept words like Significance, Cause, Consequence, Continuity in the essay.
          • Check them off while writing.
      • Examples
        • Relevant.
        • Use effectively.
      • Critical Analysis
        • GKA students tend to struggle with this.
        • “Your own interpretation.”
        • Instead of just describing facts, analyze them as well.
        • PEEL is a structure that forces this.
          • Make a point and support it with evidence.
    • Perspective
  • Vocab

    • You don’t have to use difficult words unnecessarily, but subject-specific language should be used, right?
      • I want to use a vocabulary list if there is one.
  • Speed

    • It’s hard to get points if there is not enough content.
    • I wonder if I should practice once I reach a certain amount.
      • I want to decide after understanding how satisfying it is to practice.
  • IB History P2 Question Bank


[* Focus of the topic]

[* Background Info]

[* Body]

[* Possible Essay Questions]

[* Resources]

[* Notes]

  • Plan until the exam

    • Prepare all of 20C Wars.
    • Select and prepare only some parts of Cold War.
      • Nations/Crisis/Leaders are likely to appear, so I want to prepare them thoroughly.
  • Other than that, well, forget it.

  • If I can do that, I should address things like Nations/Crisis/Leaders and common 20th century wars.

  • I feel like it would be more effective to improve my memory and writing speed rather than raising the quality of the outline.

    • I want to properly practice and improve how I use the 45 minutes.
    • Let’s do long-term memorization.
  • Summer vacation goals:

    • 20th century wars:
      • Take all of them to Phase 4, at least.
      • The ones that came out last year, take them to Phase 2.
    • Cold War:
      • Take all of it to Phase 3, at least.
        • As long as I have 20th century wars perfectly covered, I won’t have any problems with the IB Exam.
      • The ones that came out last year, take them to Phase 2.
  • (Result: The plan fell apart and only managed to take 20th century wars to Phase 2.)