To become able to do this:
- It’s not a problem with logos.
- A catalyst is needed to change one’s mindset.
- Personally, the following passage resonated with me quite a bit.
- As a result, I became able to think in this way to some extent.
- Personally, the following passage resonated with me quite a bit.
- Since the catalyst for changing one’s mindset varies from person to person, it’s unknown if the following passage will work for everyone.
- It seems to lack reproducibility.
Questions I asked hyuki:
I received a response, which I’m grateful for.
Quoting the response below:
I can’t tell you what to do, but if I may give you a vague opinion, I recommend practicing ”Try to Soften Your Own Voice a Little and Accept Others’ Voices Openly”. (Continued)
It seems like you have a good grasp of your situation. You seem to be aware that something bad might happen.
Accepting evaluations from others doesn’t mean you have to make an effort to conform to them, but rather to take them as they are and say, “Ah, this person evaluates me in this way.”
That evaluation is just that person’s evaluation, and even if you haven’t reached that point, it’s not your responsibility, nor is there any reason why you should have to reach that point.
I apologize for the unclear wording when I mentioned “softening your voice.” What I meant was to try going in a different direction (as an experiment) from what you’ve been doing so far. Even if your inner voice says something like, “I received such an unfair evaluation! If I continue like this, I’ll become a liar! I have to desperately fill the gap!”
Push back against your own “voice” and say, “No, don’t rush like that. It’s not worth it to collapse. Let’s go at our own pace and steadily move forward.”
At times like that, it’s important to have someone else to talk to. Someone who can listen to your story, like the one you wrote to me, with casual conversation. Someone who will listen to you without saying much. It’s nice to have a mature person like that by your side.
- #talk to someone when in trouble
As a student in the late teens, being evaluated by those around you, from a normal perspective, means that you are reasonably talented. Therefore, I hope you don’t diminish your strengths unnecessarily by exerting unnecessary efforts or blindly striving. Treat yourself with care and gently nurture yourself.
It’s fine if you try to respond to excessive evaluations as long as you can control it well. The problem is when it becomes mixed with a sense of desperation or lacks a broader perspective.
The evaluations you receive are likely to come from those closest to you for now. The world is much broader and filled with unimaginable diversity. As you go into such a world, treat yourself with care and nurture yourself patiently.
That’s what I thought. Thank you for your question.
Thoughts on the received response:
- Until now, I (probably) had this kind of mindset towards critical opinions, but I hadn’t thought about positive opinions in this way.