• Since I am not satisfied with what I wrote in 202204, I will attempt to summarize it again.

202204 Want to organize it again

  • Materials for organizing:

  • In a word, this is it:

    • @blu3mo: I am very interested in technologies that extend reality and abstract various concepts, not just the soul (personality). https://t.co/7AdrtwdZRI

  • When trying to achieve a goal, I think there are two approaches: (1) dealing with reality itself and (2) dealing with information about the perceived “reality” (subject is emphasized).

    • When there is a goal of “wanting to fly in the sky,”
      • (1) involves aerospace engineering, etc.
        • Like building airplanes, drones, or flying cars.
      • In the case of approach (2), if we break down the problem,
        • It might be “wanting to experience the joy of flying in the sky.”
          • In that case, it would be enough to perceive the information of that experience (like IVRC).
        • It might be “wanting to travel at the speed of flying to shorten commuting time.”
          • In that case, Zoom would be enough.
        • etc.
  • Among these, I am excited about approach (2) (blu3mo).

    • I don’t really have a direct desire to solve problems, so this example might be a bit different (blu3mo)(blu3mo).
    • I arbitrarily call the world that pursues this approach Subjective Perception of Reality (blu3mo).
  • If I were to do this, there seem to be various layers:

    • Engineering the interface between consciousness and “reality,” for example:
    • A layer that manipulates reality relatively more
      • Like Disneyland
        • Tomorrowland’s spaceship is not capable of flying in space, so I tentatively classified it as (2).
    • A layer of screens, etc.
      • This seems to be a specific topic of the early 21st century, where we interact with the world through screens.
      • Like Kineto
      • Mobile AR is also in this layer.
      • This layer is the one I can handle the most right now (blu3mo).
      • Would it be correct to say that Scrapbox enhances intelligence in this layer?
    • A layer of sensory perception
      • For vision, VR HMD
      • For other senses, similar to what IVRC has
      • If it is a perception that already exists, like VR HMD, I can handle it right now (blu3mo).
    • A layer of the brain
      • Like BMI
      • I don’t know much about it (blu3mo)
        • I don’t have much interest in biology, so I’m not sure (blu3mo).
  • I want to think about what I want to do/should do/am good at.

  • Engineering of information processing

    • Mathematics of control/analysis, etc.
    • I feel like it’s important as a foundation.
  • More philosophical and abstract discussions

202108 Application for Yanai

  • The sparkling introduction of MESON seems quite close to my interests.

    • Although it is a sparkling article made by a copywriter.> MESON is a company that uses spatial computing technologies such as AR and VR to enhance human experiences and possibilities. As an interdisciplinary research group, we explore the harmonious experiences of TECHNOLOGY, PHILOSOPHIA, and NATURE on a daily basis. To implement such experiences in society, we collaborate with various companies and develop our own services.
  • I want to create interesting experiences

  • Technological Deterministic Thinking

/blu3mo-public/About Myself

👀 Interests

  • I enjoy creating new experiences with technology that have never been imagined before.
    • I enjoy delving deep into something during the creation process.
      • Lately, I’ve been pondering about the temporal axis and synchronicity of experiences.
    • In the field of computer science, I am interested in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction).
  • I also find enjoyment in rigid mathematical and scientific topics.
    • Although I feel like my abilities are not catching up, I will strive to improve.
  • My specific interests in technology change frequently.
    • I think it’s okay not to rush into specializing in a particular field.

About Myself

Random Notes:

  • Physics/Mathematics

  • Development of software that creates “experiences”

  • Technology (specifically using the term “technology” instead of “computer science”)

  • HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)

  • Learning methods (slightly different from Education? pedagogy?)

  • There are various interests, but I think they can be broadly categorized into one of these four.

  • If I had to describe it in one word, I tend to be interested in “abstraction” more than the average person.

    • I am delighted when things can be generalized or when things that were thought to be separate turn out to be continuous.
  • Rather than generalization, I emphasize whether the discussion is “universal”.

    • In other words, I consider whether the discussion will still hold true 500 years from now.
      • (Generalization in the temporal direction)
      • For example, in politics, I think humanity will have found a system beyond democracy in 500 years.
    • This may be due to my strong belief in the future, which is Optimism for the future.
      • In the example of democracy mentioned earlier,
        • I can think that way because I believe that progress and change will occur in the next 500 years.
      • The reason for this belief is that I believe in progress through technology and science (including various fields of study).
        • Science refers to not only natural sciences but also various academic disciplines.
        • (I’ve noticed that the word “believe” has become more frequent in my language)
          • (It’s interesting that I realized this when I put it into words for the first time)
    • Abstraction/Generalization is a means to seek universality.

Additional Notes:

  • Finding Fundamental Principles in UI Design

    • I felt that this represents something I really like.
    • I wonder why.
      • Maybe I like simplicity and consistency (I wrote more details in the linked page).
      • It’s similar to What Is the Beauty of Mathematics.
      • I like explaining things in a simple way?
  • Finding “intrinsic principles” and using technology as a means to achieve them.

  • Geographic distance has been reduced by the Internet, but I still want to pursue the distance of time.

  • Maybe I can tell a story about it? - (This is just my current interest) - If I generalize this further and talk about life as a whole, - I wonder how it would be (I’ll think about it later).

  • It would be interesting if I could discuss the concept of time in depth in college, like what I’m doing in Kineto.
    • It could become a philosophical discussion as well.
    • I thought that topics like Rhyming Simultaneously in Time were deep and interesting when I saw them.

October 2020

- In high school, I enjoyed physics and mathematics.
- Perhaps influenced by my father's education and programs like Kumon?
- Twitter users who seem particularly strong in that field (just an image): @designpatterngf

- I developed an interest as I wrote programs and created various things.
- Twitter users who seem particularly strong in that field (just an image): @ki_230 (Mr. Kimitsuka)- I feel that I enjoy creating "experiences" in software development.
  • kineto and the KAYAC internship, as well as caiva.

  • Instead of Computer Science, I intentionally wrote “Technology.”

  • Influenced by Doraemon, gadgets, space exploration, etc.

  • Maybe it comes from my education in IB.

  • A Twitter user who seems particularly strong in that field (random image): @fladdict

  • I currently think that HCI is when these four circles overlap.
