6/13 13:00 - 16:00

  • What should I talk about…

  • It would be appreciated if the presentation could be around 10 minutes! It would be great if you could introduce yourself and talk about your experiences with “未踏” (Mito) projects. https://twitter.com/ukkaripon/status/1403874470700339201

  • Self-introduction

  • Experiences with “未踏” (Mito) projects

  • I wonder if what they are looking for is “introduction of what I made/did”…

Below are the slides “未踏Jr ‘21 Boost Conference LT” (blu3mo) Shota Aoyama (/emoji/school) Gunma International Academy High School 12th Grade / Senior (/icons/twitter) @blu3mo (/icons/scrapbox) /blu3mo-public (/icons/未踏) “Time Manipulating Video-based Note” (PM: (/blu3mo-public/drinami))

Topics to discuss

  • 🛠 Brief introduction
  • 👍 Things I’m glad I did
  • 🙇‍♂️ Things I wish I had done differently

🛠 Brief introduction

  • Details: [/kineto/What is Kineto](https://scrapbox.io/kineto/What is Kineto)
  • Teachers can upload/ live stream their class videos on Kineto.
    • image
  • Students can share their thoughts and emotions with each other on Kineto’s board while taking the class.
    • Various interactions such as sticky notes, handwritten pens, and voting functions are available, allowing students to communicate with their classmates on Kineto.
    • image
  • While taking the class, students can freely pause, fast forward, rewind, and manipulate the time.
    • When rewinding the video, the sticky notes and written memos posted by other students also rewind together.
    • image
  • Breaking the trade-off between synchronous and asynchronous classes
    • Synchronous classes: Students can communicate with each other.
    • Asynchronous classes: Time manipulation is possible.
    • Achieving both of these.
    • image
  • image

👍 Things I’m glad I did

  • Put all project information in Scrapbox.
    • Seems to be already used for meeting minutes, etc.
    • It’s also good to create pages for each problem unit.
    • (seems like (shokai)(nishio) are more knowledgeable about this)
  • Emphasize the movement of emotions
    • Emphasize the feeling of being startled when using prototypes, etc. (/blu3mo-public/drinami)

    • When I used the experience of asynchronous videos becoming synchronous that I made as a play, I had a sense of being startled.
      • This led to mechanisms like [Elastic Synchronization].
      • A mechanism that synchronizes users who are asynchronously viewing through automatic changes in playback speed.

      • I would like to see a demo of this. Do you have any videos or something? (shokai)
  • Pivot
    • (seems like it’s already mentioned in many places)
    • Initially, I focused on communication and synchronization between students and teachers.
    • → I realized that there are actually more challenges in communication between students.- User testing was not done sufficiently.
    • On the other hand, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project was delayed until early February to conduct actual field experiments, and it was unfortunate that we couldn’t provide sufficient feedback on the developed software. (PM evaluation)

    • Excuse:
      • It took a lot of effort to prepare for each user test.
      • It was difficult to conduct face-to-face tests due to the impact of online classes.
    • Cause:
      • The combination of “effort + anxiety about being negated > expectation” became a hindrance.

  • Things to talk about

    • I thought about what to talk about afterwards.
    • (I’m not sure if my interpretation is correct, but) I will introduce things that were good and things that I regret in last year’s development process, which may be useful for the project.
  • Good things

    • Managing information with Scrapbox
      • It may not be necessary to talk about it because it seems like it has already been recorded in the minutes with the mentors.
      • Well, it’s good to create pages for each problem and think about it.
      • It seems like shokai and nishio are more knowledgeable about this, but I’ll mention it because it was good to do.
    • Valuing emotions when they arise
      • It’s something I heard from PM Professor Inami, but
      • Depending on the project, I think it’s important to value even subjective emotions, and I realized that it can lead to unexpected benefits.
    • Pivot
      • I think it’s mentioned in various places, but I’ll talk about it as a practical example.
      • As mentioned earlier, we had a pivot in the direction.
      • Initially, it was between teachers and students, but
  • Reflection

    • User testing
      • It was not done sufficiently.
      • Excuse
        • It was quite time-consuming to prepare for classes, gather people, and have them use it simultaneously.
        • Online
      • The reason for not thinking more carefully was that
        • The combination of “effort + anxiety about being negated < expectation” caused a delay.
          • In reality, if there is anxiety, it should be done sooner, but I was not aware of such things.
        • Well, I don’t think there are many people who would end up like that, but I shared it to avoid similar failures.
  • If you have any questions or comments, please let’s discuss them at the social gathering.