GKA’s New Committee System


This year, all the pro committees are skill-based so that you can learn professional skills while working on projects in school. Pro committees are all optional, and students are required to have high motivation when joining a pro committee.

  • “The ones that Akari and others worked hard on”

  • We want to move away from meaningless committees that only follow traditional formats and create committee activities that allow us to acquire more professional skills (?).

    • We changed the mandatory committee participation to voluntary participation and allowed anyone with high motivation to join.
  • The following committees are available:

    • Creative Agency, Event Management, Film Production, Global Mindedness, Health, Visual Art, Digitalization Committee
  • Each committee is led by someone strong in their respective field, aiming to provide opportunities to acquire skills.

  • We focus on “being useful to the school” as the underlying purpose and allow students to work on skills they are interested in.

  • We started GKADC this year#gkadc

  • Hearing about axokxi’s Design Committee, it seems that there are limitations to what we can do in school, but at least conceptually, it feels like a great idea.

    • It could also help address the “Ability Gap due to Lack of Support until Self-Driving”.
  • We want to change the image of the Student Council and turn it into an educational venture within the school in the next three years (aka).

    • By becoming an educational venture, it seems that there won’t be someone in charge of overall management.