• Weaknesses of Myself & the complex felt when compared to others.

  • Previous title: Creating but unable to release

  • I’ve started to feel that it’s not about the release itself, but rather that I haven’t fundamentally created it.

    • If it’s about release, I’ve done it with Caiva, and I’ve done various things with small projects like bookmaker, poker tip manager, and scrapbox-duplicator.
    • I think the essence is more about not being able to sustain operations/development.
      • Adding features, improving based on feedback, and so on.
      • (It’s fatal as an engineer, though.)
    • In other words, I feel like I haven’t put in enough effort to “be used” (≒increase users).
  • Do I Want to Develop Products?

  • Examples: Caiva, Kineto, etc.

    • I don’t want to do what CCC does.
  • I feel like I lack both the ability to release and the desire to release.

  • Release ability is

    • To be described later.
  • If I don’t have the motivation to release it myself, I could also consider not doing it.

    • However, in that case, no results will be produced.
  • Working with someone who has both the ability and desire to release seems like the quickest solution.

  • /nishio/めげない力 seems to be a related topic as well.

  • One of the causes seems to be the problem with the iOS app development platform.

    • It can’t be uploaded to the App Store without being “finished.”
  • If it’s a web-based project, it’s easier to create something quickly and release it on Twitter.

    • I want to do this (blu3mo)(blu3mo).
    • If you’re thinking about it, I’ll join the brainstorming (axokxi).
      • 👍 (blu3mo)(blu3mo).