Candidate Takahiro Yasuno’s AI Phone Service

  • 【Phone Service Now Available☎️】AI Anno is now able to handle phone calls. By simply speaking into the phone, you can ask questions about the policy manifesto!

  • ℡ 050-1720-9295

  • You can dial this number and speak without needing to use YouTube. Feel free to give it a try! 🤖#TOKYOAI#takahiroyasuno

  • @(annotakahiro24) [June 24, 2024](
  • I created this~ and will continue to improve it, so I look forward to feedback, suggestions, bug reports, etc.

  • @(blu3mo) [June 24, 2024](


  • I tried calling and received natural responses! There are already various opinions being shared, so improvements are likely to be made. Exciting!

  • @(N_Taisho) [June 25, 2024](
  • If YouTube is not an option, switching smoothly to mobile phones is something only engineers can do. Broad listening by AI must also be yielding positive results.#tokyoai

  • @(vez00153) [June 24, 2024](
  • Oh! Mr. Yasuno answered questions about heatstroke prevention in his own voice. He admits when he doesn’t know something and even suggests what kind of questions he can answer.

  • @(kaneko_sh) [June 25, 2024](
  • Creating public services swiftly by the governor himself. By not outsourcing to a production committee (a hidden mask of Dentsu), billions can be saved. It might be challenging when it comes to actual implementation with security and personal data protection, but leveraging a network of technologists to engage real experts should suffice.#tokyoai

  • @(TiaStaC) [June 24, 2024](
  • I thought it was fun and gave it a try. Since it was a weekday morning, the call went through smoothly, and I received coherent answers to even vague questions like “I assume you have many things you want to do, but can you prioritize and tell me your top 3?” or “I think there is this issue, but how should we address it?” Candidates who utilize such technology like this, I wish they would come to Kanagawa as well.

  • @(yuu1111main) [June 25, 2024](
  • I tried calling and it was amazing. Even with ambiguous questions like “I assume you have many things you want to do, but can you prioritize and tell me your top 3?” or “I think there is this issue, but how should we address it?” I received clear responses. Candidates who utilize such technology, I hope they come to Kanagawa as well.

  • @(yuu1111main) [June 25, 2024](
  • Wow, it does everything. All tasks are covered by AI. Truly amazing.

  • @(georgekc668) [June 24, 2024](
  • Wow! Amazing! Phone👀!!! AI and analog together, leaving no one behind!!!

  • @(takiyori0608) [June 25, 2024](
  • If posted in nursing homes, it seems like it could lead to disruptive innovation.- > @(Yasufumi_Nakata) June 24, 2024

  • It’s amazing that it can support voice! Can it be repurposed as a conversation partner for dementia patients?

  • @(kerberos1976) [June 25, 2024](
  • This is amazing. Great job.

  • @(kanta13jp1) [June 24, 2024](
  • This is awesome.

  • @(E_rika_uma) [June 25, 2024](
  • The updates are terrifyingly fast!

  • @(tw_rdi) [June 24, 2024](
  • Indeed, the seriousness of not leaving anyone behind is increasing day by day. That’s why the voters who trusted and voted for Anno-san can act more thoughtfully than they thought, and they are not indifferent to politics. People who are dissatisfied with their lives should continue to express their opinions to Anno-san.

  • @(ezoma2) [June 25, 2024](
  • From politicians who only talk to politicians who show by doing, the future is here#takahiro Anno#tokyo Governor Election

  • @(GalacticFunc) [June 25, 2024](
  • Oh no… this person is serious…!

  • @(day3696) [June 25, 2024](
  • Amazing!

  • @(ayakochop) [June 25, 2024](
  • Honestly, there is no candidate who has implemented this much. Some candidates put up manifestos without knowing what they want to do.

  • @(Jkob1126) [June 25, 2024](